In Australia, strict isolation and social distancing measures have been put in place to prevent the spread of coronavirus – but how exactly is it passed from one person to another? We asked our 13 DOCTOR experts to answer the most common questions about how does coronavirus spread?.
Can COVID-19 spread from person to person?
Yes, it can be spread through droplets that an infected person sneezes or coughs out. Viruses like to multiply and spread to make sure they’ll survive, hence why COVID-19 has spread so rapidly around the globe.
Droplets can enter your body through the mucous membranes of your face which includes your eyes, nose and mouth. These provide direct pathways to your throat and lungs. The droplets can also fall onto a surface where you then put your hands, which can be easily transferred to your face.
Can COVID-19 spread through the air?
There is no clear evidence to prove that COVID-19 can be spread through the air. The majority of cases have been spread from person to person through droplets but experts haven’t entirely ruled out transferral via air.
How long does COVID-19 live on surfaces?
It is unclear how long the virus can survive on surfaces and that time frame could range from hours to several days. Therefore, it is important to be vigilant when disinfecting surfaces in your home and sanitising your hands if you’ve been outside.
How can I protect myself?
Practising basic hygiene is the most effective way to protect yourself from contracting or spreading the virus. Wash your hands with soap regularly for at least 20 seconds. Hand sanitiser if also effective and should be used when you don’t have access to soap and water. It is also important to limit the times you touch your face.
Social distancing is vital. Stay at home and if you do need to go outside, ensure you stand 1.5 metres away from others.
How can 13 DOCTOR help?
Doctors from 13 DOCTOR are working to provide medical advice by connecting with patients via video conference or over the phone allowing you to stay in the safety of your home.